The purpose of this post is to show how to create AKS cluster with Pulumi.
We are going to use Pulumi CDK with Typescript to provision AKS cluster.
1. Azure Free Tier Account
2. Install Pulumi
3. Install Azure CLI
For Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install azure-cli
4. GitHub Account
5. SSH public key of your local machine
1. Once you create Azure Free account get the management group ID as below.
aks-k8s:mgmtGroupId : 0135988c4-3255-4107-83n1-24d55889bc7af9
2. Login to pulumi cloud
Execute below command and it will redirect you to a page that has a login options.
Use GitHub account as login option.
$ pulumi login
3. Create Pulumi Project and Stack
As shown in below image execute $ pulumi new command.
These will be the details u want:
This will create a project with below structure.
$ ls
index.ts node_modules package.json package-lock.json Pulumi.yaml tsconfig.json
4. Login to the Azure using CLI tool
You can execute below command and open the browser with below URL, then enter given device code.
$ az login --use-device-code
To sign in, use a web browser to open the page and enter the code HXXXXX to authenticate.
5. Create Azure resources
As shown in below image execute $ pulumi up command.
6. Install Azure kubectl and configure kubeconfig
$ sudo az aks install-cli
The detected architecture is 'x86_64', which will be regarded as 'amd64' and the corresponding binary will be downloaded. If there is any problem, please download the appropriate binary by yourself.
Downloading client to "/usr/local/bin/kubectl" from ""
Please ensure that /usr/local/bin is in your search PATH, so the `kubectl` command can be found.
Downloading client to "/tmp/tmputia9lds/" from ""
Please ensure that /usr/local/bin is in your search PATH, so the `kubelogin` command can be found.
7. Login to the Kubernetes cluster using kubectl tool.
You need to get the resource group and cluster name from Azure console.
Then execute below command.
$ az aks get-credentials --resource-group resourceGrodfdsfdfff56 --name managedClusdfdfd
Now you need to assign correct role to access user, we will use Azure console for this purpose.
Go to the AKS cluster and select IAM.
Now we need to assign Azure Kubernetes Service RBAC Cluster Admin role to the user.
Select Add role assignment
Select correct role.
Select Members
Select the user
Review and assign the user role to user.