
Elasticsearch : Factors Need To Consider To Get Rid Of From OOM

We used Elasticsearch as centralize logging system for multiple products.


1. 8283 primary shards
2. 10 Billion documents
3. 8.06 TB of data in each data node
4. 4365 indices
5. Five primary shards per index
6. Four Data Nodes
7. Three out of four data nodes heap memory in critical state.

Identified drawbacks

  1.  Use daily index creation for even 1GB size indexes. 
  2. The default primary shard count for every index is 5. 
  3. For 12 different indices, number of primary shards will be as follows.

(primary shard per index) * 12 (number of indexes/ products) * 30 (days per month) = 1800

(3 months) 1800 * 3 = 5400
(6 months) 1800 * 6 = 10800


  1. Use monthly index creation or create index more configurable manner based on the primary shard size.

Note: According to Elastic , recommended size of a primary shard is 30GB - 40GB (depend on network bandwidth)
       number of shards per node below 20 to 25 per GB (roughly each primary shard cost 40 MB of heap memory)

5 * 6 * 11 + 5 * 30  = 480 (No of primary shards count)

Improvement = 10800/480 = 22.5 times

Clear some misunderstanding

According to Elastic these are the ratio between RAM & Storage for two main purposes (reading & writing).

 For memory-intensive search workloads, more RAM (less storage) can improve performance. Use high-performance SSDs drives
 and a RAM-to-storage ratio for users of 1:16 (or even 1:8). For example, if you use a ratio of 1:16, a cluster with 4GB of RAM will 
get 64GB of storage allocated to it.

For logging workloads, more storage space can be more cost effective. Use a RAM-to-storage ratio of 1:48 to 1:96, as data sizes are 
typically much larger compared to the RAM needed for logging. A cost effective solution might be to step down from SSDs to spinning
 media, such as high-performance server disks. For example, if you use a ratio of 1:96, a cluster with 4GB of RAM will get 384 of 
storage allocated to it.
If we take one of our ES based centralize Logs cluster in production it’s working fine for 8.5 TB data just for 25GB RAM in data nodes.
 So according to Logs Cluster, RAM to Disk ratio is as 1:348. Also when we check number of primary shards it’s > 7000 .
How can this happen, so Logs even work with less RAM??
Highest contribution made by one of the product logs, roughly daily index size is 30 GB. Most of other products generate less than
 2 GB size of daily indexes.
As we all know , the Logs Cluster query load is really low compared to logs writing frequency.Having said that , If we take biggest 
logs contribution product logs writing frequency it’s 
something around 600 per second.
This is really low log writing load. According to my understanding normal workload should be 10000 per second
So Elastic give recommendation keeping these workloads in mind, where our case this is really low situation and that’s why we still
 can live with current  RAM to Storage ratio.



Short Notes: Design Principles & Patterns


The book called “A Pattern Language”[1]  by C.Alexander is the fundamental reference for the book named “Design Patterns (GoF)”, which is generally accepted as the standard in building software.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Pattern_Language

A pattern language [2] is a method of describing good design practices or patterns of useful organization within a field of expertise.

[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pattern_language

Architectural Concepts

Envision - Examine stakeholder goals combined with architect’s expertise.
Model - View the ‘lay of the land’ to construct a model  and set expectations.
Blueprint - Specify the construction details  and constraints.
Inspect - Verify construction implementation.
Term Nomenclature - communicate  in terms understandable to listeners.

Mapping to software field

Envision - Software Architecture
Model - Design Patterns
Blueprint - Construction & Design principles 
Inspect - Construction patterns
Nomenclature - Terms to communicate intent

Software Architecture

Web server - A pipeline architecture
SOA - A component architecture
Client/Server - A layered architecture
Single Tier - Monolithic Architecture
Cloud - A tier network architecture

Design Patterns

Structural & Behavioral
Event Driven

Design Principles


Construction Patterns

Inheritance Design
Component Design
Layered Design
Tier Design
Delivery methodology
Software Architecture erosion (“Decay”)

OO Basics


OO Principles

  • Encapsulate what varies - Identify different behaviors
  • Favor composition over inheritance
  • Program to interfaces, not implementation
  • Strive for loosely coupled designs between objects that interact.
  • Open Close : Class should be open for extension but close for modification.
  • Dependency Inversion : Depend upon abstraction. Do not depend upon concrete classes.
  • Least Knowledge : Talk only to your immediate friends.

OO Patterns

What is a pattern : A reusable solution to a problem which occurring in a particular context.

Structure of a pattern

Context - situation
Resulting Contex -  1. Benefits 2. Drawbacks 3. Issues to resolve
Related Patterns

Three fundamental groups


Behavioral patterns - Describe interactions between objects

  • Interpreter pattern -

Creational- Make objects of the right class for a problem

  • Factory vs Abstract Factory
  • Singleton-

Structural- Form larger structures from individual parts, generally of different classes.


Short Notes : Kafka

Apache Avro


Another way to put this is in database terms: a pure stream is one where the changes are interpreted as just
INSERT statements (since no record replaces any existing record),
whereas a table is a stream where the changes are interpreted as UPDATEs (since any existing row with the same key is overwritten).




Big data messaging

Install zookeeper and kafka (horton works)

Simple consumer and producer app

Duality of stream & table + windowing

Kafka Connect sample


Topics in Kafka can be subdivided into partitions. For example, while creating a topic named Demo, you might configure it to have three partitions.The server would create three log files, one for each of the demo partitions.

When a producer published a message to the topic, it would assign a partition ID for that message.

The server would then append the message to the log file for that partition only.

If you then started two consumers, the server might assign partitions 1 and 2 to the first consumer, and partition 3 to the second consumer. Each consumer would read only from its assigned partitions.

             1. Active-Passive (Partition Active/Passive)


To expand the scenario, imagine a Kafka cluster with two brokers, housed in two machines. When you partitioned the demo topic, you would configure it to have two partitions and two replicas.

For this type of configuration, the Kafka server would assign the two partitions to the two brokers in your cluster.

Each broker would be the leader for one of the partitions.

When a producer published a message, it would go to the partition leader.

The leader would take the message and append it to the log file on the local machine.

The second broker would passively replicate that commit log to its own machine. If the partition leader went down, the second broker would become the new leader and start serving client requests.

In the same way, when a consumer sent a request to a partition, that request would go first to the partition leader, which would return the requested messages.

2. Active-Active


    1. Scalability: In a system with just one partition, messages published to a topic are stored in a log file, Partitioning a topic lets you scale your system by storing messages on different machines in a cluster. If you wanted to store 30 gigabytes (GB) of messages for the Demo topic, for instance, you could build a Kafka cluster of three machines,each with 10 GB of disk space. Then you would configure the topic to have three partitions. which exists on a single machine.

        The number of messages for a topic must fit into a single commit log file, and the size of messages stored can never be more than that machine's disk space.

    2. Server-load balancing: Having multiple partitions lets you spread message requests across brokers. For example, If you had a topic that processed 1 million messages per second, you could divide it into 100 partitions and add 100 brokers to your cluster.

        Each broker would be the leader for single partition, responsible for responding to just 10,000 client requests per second.

    3. Consumer-load balancing: Similar to server-load balancing, hosting multiple consumers on different machine lets you spread the consumer load.

        Let's say you wanted to consume 1 million messages per second from a topic with 100 partitions. You could create 100 consumers and run them in parallel.

        The Kafka server would assign one partition to each of the consumers, and each consumer would process 10,000 messages in parallel.

        Since Kafka assigns each partition to only one consumer, within the partition each message would be consumed in order.

Two partition two consumers under one user group


Two partition one producer three consumers under two user groups


Multi Threaded Consumer

Kafka Connect Architecture 

  • Connector model 

  • Worker model 

  • Data model

Connector Model

A connector is defined by specifying a Connector class and configuration options to control what data is copied and how to format it.
Each Connector instance is responsible for defining and updating a set of Tasks that actually copy the data. Kafka Connect manages the Tasks;
the Connector is only responsible for generating the set of Tasks and indicating to the framework when they need to be updated.

Connectors do not perform any data copying themselves: their configuration describes the data to be copied,
and the Connector is responsible for breaking that job into a set of Tasks that can be distributed to workers.

Standalone mode

Distributed mode


First, Kafka Connect performs broad copying by default by having users define jobs at the level of Connectors which then break the job into smaller Tasks.

It also provides one point of parallelism by requiring Connectors to immediately consider how their job can be broken down into subtasks, Finally, by specializing source and sink interfaces, Kafka Connect provides an accessible connector API that makes it very easy to implement connectors for a variety of systems.

Worker Model

A Kafka Connect cluster consists of a set of Worker processes that are containers that execute Connectors and Tasks. Workers automatically coordinate with

each other to distribute work and provide scalability and fault tolerance. The Workers will distribute work among any available processes, but are not responsible for management of the processes; any process management strategy can be used for Workers (e.g. cluster management tools like YARN or Mesos, configuration management tools like Chef or Puppet, or direct management of process lifecycles).

The worker model allows Kafka Connect to scale to the application. It can run scaled down to a single worker process that also acts as its own coordinator, or in clustered mode where connectors and tasks are dynamically scheduled on workers.

However, it assumes very little about the process management of the workers, so it can easily run on a variety of cluster managers or using traditional service supervision.

Data Model

Connectors copy streams of messages from a partitioned input stream to a partitioned output stream, where at least one of the input or output is always Kafka.

Each of these streams is an ordered set messages where each message has an associated offset
The message contents are represented by Connectors in a serialization-agnostic format, and Kafka Connect supports pluggable Converters for storing this data in a variety of serialization formats. Schemas are built-in, allowing important metadata about the format of messages to be propagated through complex data pipelines. 
However, schema-free data can also be used when a schema is simply unavailable.

This allows Kafka Connect to focus only on copying data because a variety of stream processing tools are available to further process the data, which keeps Kafka Connect simple, both conceptually and in its implementation.

Kafka on Yarn (KOYA)

KOYA - Apache Kafka on YARN

Why not confluent platform? It’s open source as well

Geo Redundancy 
  1. Netflix Use case

     2. Recommended approach (In same region)

  3. Best approach for Multi Region to avoid cycles

Mirror Message handling in Kafka to avoid cycling

Master-Master replication

   4. Kafka + ElasticSearch


* Note: we can replace Logstash with Kafka Connect Sink Connector.

Mirror Maker

Important of mirror maker and improvements done with it

Some references

Message Handler sample

Kafka Messaging Semantics

Exactly one

Message compaction


Kafka tuning recommendation

Kafka Cluster

Kafka Cluster Deployment Recommendation

Dedicated Zookeeper
  • Have a separate zookeeper cluster dedicated to Storm/Kafka operations. This will improve Storm/Kafka’s performance for writing offsets to Zookeeper,
    it will not be competing with HBase or other components for read/write access.
ZK on separate nodes from Kafka Broker
  • Do Not Install zk nodes on the same node as kafka broker if you want optimal Kafka performance. Disk I/O both kafka and zk are disk I/O intensive.

Zookeeper recommendation:

Design Doc

Kafka Data Replication

Hard Problems